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28 Nov 2019
Learning All About Kotlin & Its Role In Android App Development!
To make any software or application, programming languages play a vital role as the programmers must have a sound knowledge and expertise in different programming languages like PHP, Python or Java etc. In all programming languages, Kotlin is one of the most famous and powerful languages that programmers and developers love for various reasons. This article highlights all about what is Kotlin programming language is and all its fundamentals.
What Is Kotlin –
Sponsored by Google and JetBrains, Kotlin programming language is a general-purpose invariably typed language that supports type inference and extensively used by Android developers in Android app development. It aims to inter-operate thoroughly with Java and its standard library’s JVM (Java Virtual Machine) version is based on Java Class. However the type inference supports more concise syntax. This language basically focuses JVM; though compiles native code or JavaScript.
Key features of Kotlin Programming Language –
The key reason of the popularity and quick adoption of Kotlin in Android app development and software development is its high-end features and here we are listing few notable ones.
Interoperability With Java – The interoperability of Kotlin programming language with Java is its key strength. Due to this feature, this language does not let programmers and developers face any kind of issue or difficulty in using it within a Java app development project.
Concise – This language is highly concise as compared to Java as it reduces the code writing task for programmers up to 40 percent.
Less Inclined To Errors – Being a fixed-typed language, Kotlin enables programmers to find errors right at the compiling stage because such languages keep type-checking errors during compile-time.
Easy Programming Language – Kotlin is quite easy language. Especially when you are from the Java programming community, you will find this language very simple and easy to execute.
Feature-Rich Language – It comes with modern and advanced features like Lambda expressions, Operator overloading, String templates etc. that make programming of mobile apps quite advanced and powerful.
So, these are key features of Kotlin that make this programming language highly appreciable and preferable for development and programming projects. At present, Kotlin is supported by only 3 IDEs which are Eclipse, IntelliJ and AndroidStudio. Using any of these 3 IDEs, you can write as well as develop your android applications.
Kotlin vs Java features comparison:
Advantages and Disadvantages of Kotlin –
Just as all other languages, Kotlin also comes with some certain pros and cons and here we are listing few of them.
Advantages –
With Kotlin, you can enhance your team productivity in application or software development projects.
Kotlin is compatible with present Java Code
This language is easily maintainable
It is exceptionally easy to learn language
Kotlin programming language is highly reliable for mobile application development.
It is less buggy language
Disadvantages –
The biggest disadvantage of Kotlin is the less expertise of this language. Though it is perhaps a short time concern due to fast adoption of it among developers and programmers.
Although Kotlin is compatible to Java, but is not Java. That means, the power and efficiency of Java cannot be expected in Kotlin.
Kotlin features slower speed of compilation
Kotlin for Developing Android apps –
When it comes to develop Android Apps, most of the developers had previously been relying solely on Java. But the introduction of Kotlin has given the mobile development community, a powerful substitute to Java for developing android apps. At present, Kotlin provides the greatest support to JVM in Android app development network after Java and gets more power with its open-source community and support from JetBrains which has created the famous IDEs Android Studio and IntelliJ IDEA.
Are you looking for a team to build your Android app? we’re here for you to deliver a fantastic mobile app. Please don’t hesitate to contact us today at +91-9815075800. We would love to chat.
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